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[PBW]⋙ Read Free The Loving Dead (Audible Audio Edition) Amelia Beamer Emily Durante Brilliance Audio Books

The Loving Dead (Audible Audio Edition) Amelia Beamer Emily Durante Brilliance Audio Books

Download As PDF : The Loving Dead (Audible Audio Edition) Amelia Beamer Emily Durante Brilliance Audio Books

Download PDF  The Loving Dead (Audible Audio Edition) Amelia Beamer Emily Durante Brilliance Audio Books

Kate and Michael, 20-something housemates working at the same Trader Joe's supermarket, are thoroughly screwed when people start turning into zombies at their house party in the Oakland hills. The zombie plague is a sexually transmitted disease, turning its victims into shambling, horny, voracious killers.

Thrust into extremes by the unfolding tragedy, Kate and Michael are forced to confront the decisions they've made, and their fears of commitment, while trying to stay alive. Michael convinces Kate to meet him in the one place in the Bay Area that's likely to be safe and secure from the zombie hordes Alcatraz. But can they stay human long enough?

The Loving Dead (Audible Audio Edition) Amelia Beamer Emily Durante Brilliance Audio Books

After reading the reviews disliking the amount of sex and gore, I began my read with some trepidation. The reviewers were right, but there were farcial scenes which made me laugh. There were many clever tongue-in-cheek lines. Maybe it's my perverse sense of humor, but sometimes when things are going so wrong, life and this book become funny. The author did a good job with creating suspense. I enjoyed the writing well enough to compensate for the overly horny humping zombies.
I'd like to read a novel by the author on differrent subject matter.

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 8 hours and 17 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Brilliance Audio
  • Release Date July 15, 2010
  • Language English

Read  The Loving Dead (Audible Audio Edition) Amelia Beamer Emily Durante Brilliance Audio Books

Tags : The Loving Dead (Audible Audio Edition): Amelia Beamer, Emily Durante, Brilliance Audio: Books, ,Amelia Beamer, Emily Durante, Brilliance Audio,The Loving Dead,Brilliance Audio,B003VXNGM2
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The Loving Dead (Audible Audio Edition) Amelia Beamer Emily Durante Brilliance Audio Books Reviews

Well, I hate having to do this, but this will be a (mostly) bad review. I was expecting so much from this book, because I really love zombies, and this seemed to be a unique twist on the zombie tale, but it was not executed well at all.

So, Kate and Michael are two 20-something roommates and coworkers at Trader Joe’s. During a house party of theirs, there is an outbreak of zombie-ism, that soon spreads throughout the area. Separately, they fight to stay alive and meet up where they believe they will be safeguarded from the zombies Alcatraz.

First off, in this story, zombie-ism is spread like an STD, through sexual contact. Okay, whatever, kind of weird, but that’s fine. However, this didn’t seem consistent. I read about people randomly turning into zombies left and right without explanation half the time.

A lot of this story was just plain ridiculous. When Kate and Michael first discover that their friends have turned into zombies, they lock them up upstairs, and head downstairs where they put on a zombie movie and fondle each other under a blanket. Ummm…. okay then. Who would be watching a zombie movie while there are zombies upstairs? Wouldn’t you be running away or trying to do something? Apparently not.

Also, the zombies obey commands if you swish a whip in the air… OR, as Kate discovers, if you download an Indiana Jones app to your iPhone that makes a whip sound. They also respond to that. Well… okay… if you say so.

Listen, I for one, am ready for the zombie apocalypse. And guess what I WOULDN’T be doing right in the middle of it? Watching The Night of the Living Dead/caressing my roommate while zombies are upstairs, or downloading apps to my phone and swishing whips all about the place.

Not only was the story absurd and underdeveloped, the writing was quite amateur as well. I can understand that though, as this was the author’s debut novel. I felt this story could have been improved by some better editing.

I will say there were a couple of positive things about this book. I believe that no book is ever completely bad, so I will say that the idea was unique, and she could have gone far with it if she hadn’t made much of the rest of the story just plain absurd. I was interested enough to keep reading and find out what would happen to everyone in the end. I also thought the epilogue was quite intriguing, and very, very unique. So, if you decide to read this book, be sure and read the epilogue!

So, I can’t really recommend this one, unless you are a hardcore zombie fan and don’t mind absurdities as described above, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.
If you take the book for what it is . . . dark satire, then you may enjoy it. I personally was drawn to it's unique nature. Violence and sex were graphically depicted as related entities, often these scenes crossed the lines in both areas. I guess this is what happens when the author makes "Zombieism" a sexually transmitted disease.
I am one of those hopeless wimp who refuses to watch zombie movies-they give me very vivid nightmares. I get my living dead thrills reading any zombie book I can get my hands on. I get to be scared out of my wits, without the nightmares! That being said, I was sorely let down by this book. It isnt even remotely scary, its more like really awful porn with a handful of infected so it can sneak into the horror genre. I never even got the sense the characters were even frightened, they just seemed to have a nagging feeling they were supposed to be doing something productive about the situation, but you never got a feeling it was really pressing. So much hype about the sex in this book-it's overrated. Zombie infection as an std is such a great idea, but it was poorly executed in this book. Lesbian sex scenes don't bother me but as they grossly outweigh heterosexual scenes in this book it grew tiresome. Couple that with characters that are aware of the situation yet still seem unable to resist getting infected or eaten for a quick grope and you begin to wonder why the author even bothered...some scenes that should be riddled with tension and suspense just come off as comical in a sad, sad way instead. A lot of scenes in this book where you get excited, thinking something scary and cool is coming up, but it just fizzles out. This book has a great idea behind it but concentrates too much on the sex and not enough on the horror. The ending is one of the most ridiculous I've had the misfortune to ever read (I won't spoil it, but for those who have read it, I'm referring to Michaels actions late in the book). Don't waste your time or money on this one, read a real zombie book instead!
Reading this on a plane. Not the best idea, when it comes time to explain the plot to some random.

Premise is new and unconventional. Good, clean writing style.
I loved this book.
I ready the reviews and debated to order it or not. I'm glad I did. The story was actually better than the reviews say it was. I liked the main female character after a slow start. The zombie situations were more realistic than other zombie stories I've read. Go ahead and read it. Give it a shot.
After reading the reviews disliking the amount of sex and gore, I began my read with some trepidation. The reviewers were right, but there were farcial scenes which made me laugh. There were many clever tongue-in-cheek lines. Maybe it's my perverse sense of humor, but sometimes when things are going so wrong, life and this book become funny. The author did a good job with creating suspense. I enjoyed the writing well enough to compensate for the overly horny humping zombies.
I'd like to read a novel by the author on differrent subject matter.
Ebook PDF  The Loving Dead (Audible Audio Edition) Amelia Beamer Emily Durante Brilliance Audio Books

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